Atlanta Micro Market Solutions | Healthy Pantry Options | Subsidized Micro Markets

5 Healthy Habits for Atlanta Employee Wellbeing

Atlanta Micro Market Solutions | Healthy Pantry Options | Subsidized Micro Markets

EmplEmployee wellbeing should be one of your top priorities. Because for your team to perform at their best, they must feel their best. With the New Year, it is the perfect time to focus on wellbeing, especially as it relates to workplace wellness.

Luckily, PB&J Vending’s Atlanta break room solutions and the following tips can help. Here are five ways to boost employee health with the start of a new year.  

1. Make SMART Resolutions 

Most New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by mid-January. Set your staff up for success with the idea of SMART resolutions. These are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For instance, an excellent SMART goal could be, “I want to add one serving of veggies to each of my meals for the month of February.”

Our Atlanta micro market solutions are a great place to start. Employees have access to fresh foods, like veggies, and hydrating drinks 24/7.  

2. Get More Shut-Eye 

A good night’s rest is important. Sleeping for eight hours can help you feel refreshed in the morning. Well-rested, your employees will perform and focus better. Plus, sleep helps control weight and lifts mood.

Help staff get the sleep they need by offering caffeine-free drinks in your break room. Office coffee service options like decaf coffee and herbal teas are great alternatives to caffeine drinks that could disrupt sleep later on. Ensure there are plenty of caffeine-free cold drinks in the always-open beverage vending machine, too. 

3. Employee Wellbeing Starts with a Healthy Breakfast 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Protein-packed foods help you feel full so you avoid snacking between meals. A nutritious breakfast is a great idea for employees. Thus, they will feel energized all day long.

Get healthy breakfast items stocked in your Atlanta micro market. For instance, yogurt, meat burritos, and eggs are all great choices.

Atlanta Healthy Vending | Nutritious Snacks | Employee Wellbeing

4. Enjoy Some Fresh Air 

Getting outside into nature improves your mood and makes you more alert. The natural sunlight also supports your natural circadian rhythm. Encourage employees to take walks outside during their lunch breaks. Free grab-and-go snacks from your Atlanta office pantry let them skip the drive to the store. Therefore, employees have more time to refuel while they enjoy some fresh air. 

5. Eat a Healthy Lunch 

Staying healthy means eating right at work. However, busy employees might skip lunch altogether. Entice them to eat right by providing healthy snacks and meals in your break room. PB&J Vending can create a menu for your team’s diverse dietary needs. This allows everyone in the office to eat right.

Consider subsidizing your micro market to promote better-for-your choices. This makes it easy to offer discounts on delicious, nutritious products, enticing your staff. 

PB&J Vending Can Help Boost Employee Wellbeing in Your Workplace 

Want to help employees put their best foot forward? Contact PB&J Vending today at (877) 820.8363. We’ll help employees feel their best with healthy snacks, fresh meals, and hydrating beverages. We offer Atlanta vending machines, micro markets, office pantries, and office coffee solutions.

Healthy Vending Atlanta | Office Food & Drink | Staff Feel Valued

Make Employees Feel Valued with Quality Atlanta Break Room Services

Healthy Vending Atlanta | Office Food & Drink | Staff Feel Valued

Employees must feel valued to thrive. Workplace appreciation boosts job satisfaction and retention. It also improves company culture.

So, how can you make your team feel valued? It’s as simple as upgrading your Atlanta break room. Keep reading to learn more.

24/7 Access to On-Site Food and Beverages

As leaders in break room solutions, PB&J Vending knows what employees crave. They want quick and easy access to delicious food and drinks. Luckily, our Atlanta vending machines provide the perfect solution.

Vending machines save employees time and money. They can avoid long checkout lines and drives. This gives staff more time to enjoy their relaxing breaks, a perk that makes them feel special. Adding healthy on-site foods also shows you care, specifically about employees’ well-being, a growing trend.

PB&J Vending carries plenty of vending options. Get healthy snacks and thirst-quenching beverages. We also have candies and chips from big-name brands. Whatever your team desires, we have them covered!

More Options Make Employees Feel Valued

No two people are the same. Thus, employees have different food preferences. Thankfully, Atlanta micro-markets have options for everyone! These mini on-site stores have coolers, racks, and shelves. Therefore, there is enough room for fresh meals, snacks, and drinks. Employees can choose from an endless variety. For instance, they can buy salads, sandwiches, veggies, candy, and more.

Feeling thirsty? Grab a drink from the micro-market! You can get cold brew coffee, sports drinks, soda, and sparkling water.

Furthermore, micro-markets have self-checkout kiosks. This makes waiting in line a thing of the past. The kiosk accepts cash, cards, and mobile wallets. Just grab your food, scan your card or phone, and you’re good to go!

Turn the Office into a Café

Nothing is better than catching up with friends in a cute café over coffee. PB&J Vending’s office coffee service brings coffeehouse vibes into the break room. How? We offer gourmet coffee from premium brands. We can even get fair-trade coffee from different regions of the world. PB&J Vending offers coffee flavors for everyone!

Ask us about our Atlanta single-cup brewers. These machines make coffee by the cup using pods. Thus, single-cup coffee always tastes fresh. It also provides more variety. Employees can pick their favorite flavor and make it their own.

Have non-coffee drinkers on your team? Don’t worry! Add hot tea to your coffee service. PB&J Vending has many trendy tea options to choose from. For instance, we have green tea and herbal tea with superfoods. These promote workplace wellness. Some teas support heart health. They also lower stress. Thus, employees stay happy and healthy!

Atlanta Micro-Market | Office Coffee | Employees Feel Valued

Create a Comfortable Space

Comfortable seating is a break room must-have. Make employees feel valued with an inviting break space. Add plush chairs and large tables. Employees can sit down and eat lunch together. This encourages collaboration.

Decorate the Atlanta break room with lush plants and beautiful décor. Choose blue, yellow, or green artwork. These colors make employees feel peaceful. Keep the blinds open to let sunlight shine in. Natural light improves your mood.

Lastly, offer fun games employees can play together. Set up a ping-pong table. Or, keep puzzles and board games on hand. These promote interaction, improving workplace relationships.

PB&J Vending Makes Teams Feel Valued

As you can see, quality break room services make employees feel appreciated. They have access to delicious food. Additionally, employees can save money and time.

PB&J Vending can help improve your Atlanta break room and ensure employees feel you care. Contact us today at (877) 820.8363 for more information.

Atlanta Water Cooler Breaks | Refreshment Services | Office Snacks

3 Reasons Atlanta Employees Should Take Water Breaks

Atlanta Water Cooler Breaks | Refreshment Services | Office Snacks

Water breaks are essential for Atlanta employees. If your team isn’t drinking enough water, they could risk dehydration and poor focus. According to the PUL Hydration company, only 23% of employees drink enough water while working. Luckily, you can help encourage staff to take the water breaks they need to stay at their best.

But how? Keep reading to learn about the power of water breaks and how Atlanta break room services can help.

3 Benefits of Water Breaks

Here are the three top benefits of water breaks.

1. Employees Stay Healthy

Drinking water keeps your team healthy. Hydration improves brain function. Thus, employees stay sharp. It also promotes heart health. Drinking enough water also prevents headaches. Employees will feel their best.

2. Increased Productivity

Hydrated employees are more focused and have increased energy. In short, drinking water makes them more alert and productive. This has benefits for your business.

3. Morale Booster

Did you know that drinking water lifts your mood? That’s right! Water balances chemicals in your brain. This can prevent mood swings. Thus, employees feel calmer and more content. And happy employees work better together. Therefore, water breaks can improve company morale.

Better Water Leads to More Water Breaks

Atlanta Vending Machines | Healthy Beverage Breaks | Water Filtration

So, how can you encourage employees to drink more water? To start with, try our Atlanta water filtration service. This removes chemical tastes. Thus, water tastes great and is more enticing to your staff.

Our water filters fit break rooms of all sizes. They also have hot and cold spigots. Add filtered water to your office coffee brewer or tea to improve the flavor.

Speaking of office coffee, we provide coffee brewers through our Atlanta office coffee service. You can also get traditional coffee pots or single-cup coffee brewers. Plus, we stock coffee from national brands and even local favorites. Don’t forget the creamers and selection of hot teas.

Make the Break Room a Destination

Another way to get staff to take water breaks is to include refreshments in the break room. For example, an Atlanta vending machine full of traditional goodies and healthy snacks. This will bring staff to the break room for chips or a granola bar, where they can also grab cool, refreshing water. We offer water in bottles along with filtered water options.

PB&J Vending Helps Your Team Stay Hydrated

As you can see, water breaks are important. They keep employees healthy and hydrated, which promotes productivity.

Encourage employees to take more water breaks by building the ultimate break room! Ask PB&J Vending about our water filtration, vending, micro-market, and office coffee services. Workers will love their new office oasis! Contact us today by calling (877) 820.8363.

Atlanta Employee Benefit | Candy Vending Machines | Break Room

Candy Mash-Ups Your Atlanta Break Room Need

Atlanta Employee Benefit | Candy Vending Machines | Break Room

Treat yourself! That’s right, working hard throughout the day means you deserve a delicious candy break every now and then. This is why it’s a great idea to include a variety of candy options in your Atlanta break room services. Employees will love having access to the mid-afternoon treat to power them through the rest of the day. Keeping candy in your Atlanta snack vending machine is an added office perk everyone can look forward to and enjoy.

So, are you ready to stock your Atlanta break room with the best candy around? Keep reading below for the newest candy mash-ups you need in your office micro-market. Trust us, your employees will love you for this!

Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares

You know what all the Snickers commercials say, “you’re not you when you’re hungry.” Keep your workers full and satisfied with the iconic candy brand’s newest creation. The Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares put a tasty spin on the original classic candy bar. The new flavor replaces the nougat center with a chewy chocolate brownie layer. This combined with the chocolate-covered, caramel-filled, peanut-y delight will give workers something exciting to look forward to. Put the Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares in your Atlanta micro-market, and your employees will never want to leave!

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with Pretzels

Is there a better combination than peanut butter and chocolate? Well, the only thing that might have it beat is by adding pretzels to the mix. Now, you can try this trio of goodness for yourself by putting it in your Atlanta vending machines. The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with pretzels that the beloved brand recently released will make every candy lover swoon. You’re likely going to need to restock these goodies on a regular basis. People won’t be able to keep their hands off of them!

Atlanta Snacks | Candy Break | Refreshment Solutions

M&M’s Classic Mix

Think trail mix, but with a lot more chocolatey goodness! The innovative (and long-awaited) new creation will put all of your favorite M&M flavors in one bag. So, no one will have to choose between all of the wonderful choices. The M&M’s Classic Mix! will include milk chocolate, milk chocolate peanut, and milk chocolate peanut butter varieties all together in one convenient mixture. Additionally, everyone at the office will appreciate having these crunchy yet creamy bites in your Atlanta office pantry.

Looking for the best Atlanta break room solutions to stock up on the latest candy mash-ups? Look no further, we can help! Contact us at PB&J Vending or call us at (877) 820.8363 today!