Atlanta Workplace Culture | Employee Benefit | Break Room | Promote Productivity

5 Reasons Your Atlanta Break Room is Essential

Atlanta Workplace Culture | Employee Benefit | Break Room | Promote Productivity

Offices are meant for work, but break rooms are meant for recharging. That’s why your Atlanta break room is vital to your company’s success. Having a place for your team to take a breather can make or break your employee satisfaction rates. In fact, a quick rest in the break room can promote productivity and relaxation!

Here are five reasons why your Atlanta refreshment services matter.

1. An Employee Utopia

A cozy and inviting break room provides your staff with a mini vacation. For instance, they can unwind during a quick chat with a coworker. Moreover, they can refuel with a delicious cup of coffee. Having comfy seats, an Atlanta office coffee service, and other amenities creates a workplace paradise for your crew. Additionally, they can use this time to collect their thoughts and conquer their day!

2. Healthy Break Room Services = Happy Employees

An Atlanta micro-market can keep your employees healthy. By stocking it with fresh foods, your staff can always have access to better-for-you options. For example, offer your associates plenty of salad, fruit, and sandwich options. These nutritious snack options can keep them full and help them reach their health goals!

3. Build Connection and Collaboration

Yummy food always brings people together! So, it’s only natural that your Atlanta vending service would do the same. It gives them an atmosphere to connect with each other and refuel throughout the day. Plus, they can enjoy a quick conversation or play a game of cards. When associates from different departments meet each other, they’ll feel more comfortable working together. Furthermore, connection and collaboration boost employee engagement and satisfaction!

Atlanta Break Room | Traditional Coffee Service | Office Pantry Service

4. Break Room Services Can Increase Productivity

Did you know that break rooms can boost productivity? That’s right! When an employee can temporarily disengage from their work, they can regroup and recharge. This leads to better productivity, health, and job satisfaction! Who wouldn’t want that?

5. Professional Development

Break rooms don’t have to be just for relaxation, they can also be for learning! Consider hosting a “lunch and learn” in your Atlanta company kitchen. This allows your team to learn something new. Not to mention, professional development classes can help them improve skills they already have.

How to Create an Atlanta Break Room that Supports Your Staff Throughout the Day

In order for your team to enjoy the many employee perks that come along with an office break room, it needs to support them all day long. For instance, offering them a variety of beverages and snacks keeps them fueled throughout the day.

So, opt for a premium Atlanta refreshment service by visiting PB&J Vending or call (877) 820.8363. We’ll help you find the right solutions to boost your break room and workplace culture!

Atlanta Employee Benefit | Candy Vending Machines | Break Room

Candy Mash-Ups Your Atlanta Break Room Need

Atlanta Employee Benefit | Candy Vending Machines | Break Room

Treat yourself! That’s right, working hard throughout the day means you deserve a delicious candy break every now and then. This is why it’s a great idea to include a variety of candy options in your Atlanta break room services. Employees will love having access to the mid-afternoon treat to power them through the rest of the day. Keeping candy in your Atlanta snack vending machine is an added office perk everyone can look forward to and enjoy.

So, are you ready to stock your Atlanta break room with the best candy around? Keep reading below for the newest candy mash-ups you need in your office micro-market. Trust us, your employees will love you for this!

Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares

You know what all the Snickers commercials say, “you’re not you when you’re hungry.” Keep your workers full and satisfied with the iconic candy brand’s newest creation. The Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares put a tasty spin on the original classic candy bar. The new flavor replaces the nougat center with a chewy chocolate brownie layer. This combined with the chocolate-covered, caramel-filled, peanut-y delight will give workers something exciting to look forward to. Put the Snickers Peanut Brownie Squares in your Atlanta micro-market, and your employees will never want to leave!

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with Pretzels

Is there a better combination than peanut butter and chocolate? Well, the only thing that might have it beat is by adding pretzels to the mix. Now, you can try this trio of goodness for yourself by putting it in your Atlanta vending machines. The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with pretzels that the beloved brand recently released will make every candy lover swoon. You’re likely going to need to restock these goodies on a regular basis. People won’t be able to keep their hands off of them!

Atlanta Snacks | Candy Break | Refreshment Solutions

M&M’s Classic Mix

Think trail mix, but with a lot more chocolatey goodness! The innovative (and long-awaited) new creation will put all of your favorite M&M flavors in one bag. So, no one will have to choose between all of the wonderful choices. The M&M’s Classic Mix! will include milk chocolate, milk chocolate peanut, and milk chocolate peanut butter varieties all together in one convenient mixture. Additionally, everyone at the office will appreciate having these crunchy yet creamy bites in your Atlanta office pantry.

Looking for the best Atlanta break room solutions to stock up on the latest candy mash-ups? Look no further, we can help! Contact us at PB&J Vending or call us at (877) 820.8363 today!

Atlanta Positive Lifestyle Choices | Employee Wellness | Promote Productivity | Healthy

How Your Atlanta Break Room Can Boost Employee Wellness

Atlanta Positive Lifestyle Choices | Employee Wellness | Promote Productivity | Healthy

Many businesses are putting an emphasis on Atlanta employee health and wellness. With proactive initiatives to get team members moving, eating nutritious meals, and feeling fit, companies can boost productivity and employee satisfaction.

If you want to promote Atlanta employee wellness, it all starts in your break room. Here are five ways to nurture health and happiness in your break room.

Fresh Food Options

During a hectic day, it might be hard for your staff to find time to get a quality bite to eat. Keep your Atlanta micro-market stocked with yummy and healthy options. Then, your staff can easily grab a meal without losing precious work time. Much like a mini convenience store, a micro-market offers a huge selection of healthy options. Your employees can simply scoop up their favorite snack and check out at the self-serve kiosk.

Treat your team to fresh fruits, breakfast burritos, salads, wraps, and protein-packed snacks. By fueling up on fresh foods, Atlanta employees can power through their workday.

Healthy Hydration

While coffee is a morning essential, your employees need to drink other beverages to stay properly hydrated. Having a variety of hydrating drinks in your Atlanta vending machines will keep employees productive and healthy. Juices, teas, and flavored waters will cater to all beverage preferences. Upgrading your refreshment services that provides a wide selection of hydrating options would be an employee benefit.

Atlanta Office Pantry Service | Healthy Products | Vending Machine | Employee Wellness

Nutritious Snacks

Revolutionize your staff’s snacking habits by making healthy snacks a part of your Atlanta office pantry service. Not only will nutrient-dense snacks help keep your team healthier, they also boost concentration and productivity.

Some healthy grab-and-go snack items to keep in your pantry service include trail mix, protein bars, and dried fruits. Having these items free to your employee will improve their workplace satisfaction as well as their overall wellness. It’s a win-win.

Fostering a Sense of Community

Feeling like you’re part of a team contributes to employee satisfaction. Promote positivity by creating a communal area that every employee can enjoy. By outfitting your Atlanta break room with fresh foods, comfy couches, and even a television, employees will be more inclined to spend time there. Having a place to decompress and regroup, promotes your employees metal wellness.

You can also host weekly workshops or social events in the break room. Consider employee enrichment classes, trivia games, or “Lunch and Learn” events.

Get Moving

Sitting down for too long can be unhealthy. Get your employees moving during their breaks. Stash some exercise equipment in your break room, including a jump rope or weights. Also, consider adding an interactive game, like air hockey or a ping pong table to help your employees get their steps up.

Make Your Atlanta Break Room a Healthy One

Are you ready to get your employees healthy? PB&J Vending can help! We can help you find the perfect Atlanta break room solutions to reach your workplace wellness goals. From choosing delicious and nutritious snacks to finding better beverages, our team can enhance your break room.

To learn more, call us today at (877) 820.8363. Above all, we look forward to getting your team feeling fit and fabulous!

Atlanta Tea Service | Healthy Beverages | Office Coffee

Tea Service in the Atlanta Break Room: Don’t Kettle For Second Best

Atlanta Tea Service | Healthy Beverages | Office Coffee

To get through the workday, many employees rely on trips to their Atlanta break room for refreshing and healthy beverages. While office coffee service is popular, tea service is just as important. People enjoy tea mid-day due to its refreshing nature and lower caffeine levels.

Tea Flavors for Atlanta Taste Buds

Tea offers Atlanta break room solutions for all office employees, as it comes in various flavors and styles. From traditional tea to herbal concoctions, just about everyone can find a tea that suits their tastes. Some of the most popular tea options include:

  • Black tea: Black tea contains oxidized leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. A robust, full flavor characterizes black tea, although slightly different flavors develop based on the region harvested.
  • Green tea: Also made from Camellia sinensis leaves, green tea provides a range of health and wellness benefits. Unlike black tea, green tea remains unoxidized. It also contains less caffeine than black tea.
  • White tea: Although made from Camellia sinensis leaves, tea makers harvest white tea leaves only from the Fujian province. These leaves dry on their own, creating a minimally processed tea with a delicate, sweet flavor. It has significantly less caffeine than both black and green tea.
  • Herbal tea: Herbal tea doesn’t contain the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Instead, various herbs, flowers, and fruits make up the flavor. Herbal teas often contain chamomile, peppermint, ginger, hibiscus, and rosehips.
  • Oolong tea: Composed of partially-oxidized Camellia sinensis leaves, oolong tea remains one of the most popular teas in China. It also comes in a range of flavors based on the oxidation level of the leaves.

By providing employees with a variety of teas, businesses meet the needs of all their staff. What’s more, tea bags offer quick self-service convenience and little mess.

Tea Service in Atlanta | Employee Benefit | Corporate Wellness

Green Tea Health Benefits

Although all Atlanta tea drinkers get several health benefits. Drinking green tea, particularly, supplies a significant amount. Research shows that green tea may:

  • Protect against UVB radiation
  • Decrease tumor growth
  • Reduce cardiovascular mortality
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Decrease the risk of stroke
  • Improve skin conditions
  • Enhance cognitive brain functions
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

By providing green tea through your Atlanta office coffee & tea service, employees reap the health and wellness benefits of these refreshing beverages.

Non-caffeinated Tea for All Day Enjoyment

While caffeine gives a solution for those mid-day slumps, not everyone can enjoy caffeinated beverages. Many of today’s employees avoid caffeine, especially after lunch.

Herbal teas provide excellent options. Consider supplying peppermint tea, which also boosts energy levels and may stimulate concentration. Or perhaps hibiscus tea, which contains numerous antioxidants. Or even ginger tea, which may reduce inflammation and soothe stomach ailments.

Give Employees the Refreshing Beverages They Desire

If your Atlanta business needs refreshing beverages with its break room solutions, look no further than PB&J Vending. We provide office coffee & tea, vending machines, micro-market programs, pantry service and more! Call (877) 820.8363 today to learn how teas and other beverages can support your business goals.

Atlanta Snacks | Corporate Wellness | Healthy Vending

The Best Snacks to Increase Productivity in Your Atlanta Workplace

Atlanta Snacks | Corporate Wellness | Healthy Vending

When it comes to workplace productivity, you might be surprised to find out how big of a difference what your employees eat throughout the day can make. That’s why it’s important to stock your office with break room solutions like vending machines and healthy snacks. Not only does an office food service provide an added employee benefit that can improve worker satisfaction and morale, but supplying healthy vending options that keep your workers fueled throughout the day can actually increase their overall productivity and efficiency. 

Not sure what snack options in Atlanta are best for staying alert, energized, and focused throughout the workday? Keep reading for the best snacks to stock in your vending machines for maximum results.

Snacks With Healthy Fats

Implementing the right snacks as a part of your corporate wellness program is essential to increasing workplace productivity in Atlanta. Start with foods that are rich in healthy fats, as these nutrients can provide a boost of natural energy throughout the day. 

Nuts, for instance, are a great source of protein, antioxidants, vitamin E, and amino acids, all of which support memory and adequate brain performance. Whether you opt for almonds, cashews, peanut butter, or trail mix, nuts are a great choice for increasing productivity in the workplace. Other healthy fat options include Greek yogurt and avocados, which enhance blood flow to the heart and brain. This, of course, will only help increase your employee’s overall productivity!

Healthy Snacks | Atlanta Break Room Solutions | Vending Machines

Dark Chocolate

Yep, a sweet treat might be exactly what your employees need to stay on track during the workday. Stock your company’s micro-markets with healthy foods like dark chocolate covered almonds or individual bite-sized dark chocolate squares. So how does the sweet snack improve productivity? The caffeine content in dark chocolate provides a much-needed boost of energy and focus to combat that early afternoon crash. Plus, dark chocolate contains magnesium, which helps reduce stress. It’s a win-win for both you and your employees! 

If you’re looking for the best healthy break room snack options in Atlanta, PB&J Vending is here to help! We’ll help determine the best break room solutions for your company that will keep your employees happy, healthy, and focused on a daily basis. 

Fresh Fruit

An apple a day keeps the doctor away and the workplace stress at bay. Supplying your employees with fresh fruit options will certainly help increase employee productivity in Atlanta. Yes, fruits like berries and bananas will provide a natural sugar kick and nutrients, such as antioxidants and potassium, that promote a productive workday and healthy lifestyle.  

Ready to give your employees the healthy vending options they need to increase productivity in the workplace? Explore your options at PB&J Vending or call (877) 820.8363 for the best office food and snack services in Atlanta! 

Coffee Trends Benefit Atlanta

Adapt 2020 Coffee Trends to Benefit Atlanta

Coffee Trends Benefit Atlanta

COVID-19 may have disrupted almost all aspects of life, but it hasn’t stopped Atlanta individuals from enjoying their daily coffee. In fact, consumption has increased during the past several months. One thing that is different is that many individuals are purchasing their caffeinated beverages online or via a mobile app while trips to the local cafe have dramatically decreased.

As Atlanta employees head back to work, not considering or adapting your office coffee service (OCS) is a missed opportunity to rebuild your workplace community, boost morale, and increase productivity. Why is that you ask? The short answer is that the majority of adults in American drink coffee and all its related beverages each day, and yet only 63 percent of employees who work outside of their home have access to coffee at work.

According to the recently released 2020 National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT) Report, 62 percent of Americans 18 and older drink coffee daily, up five percent from 2015, and the average number of cups consumed by each individual is 3.1 cups—that’s almost 25 ounces per day. But the number of employers who offer OCS in the break room has decreased by five percent compared to 2019.

Coffee Trends Benefit Atlanta

To compete with off-site menus that offer a wide variety of options which can be ordered via an app or delivered directly to an employee by a food delivery service, facility managers should understand 2020 coffee trends. (One caveat—while these numbers were collected before COVID-19 changed how and where Atlanta employees work, the results can still be used to help plan for post-COVID break room services.)

  • 56 percent consume gourmet coffee or beverages that are brewed from premium beans
  • 53 percent looked for brands that are focused on sustainable farming and Fair Trade practices
  • 40 percent of individuals add milk/creamer (any type) plus a sweetener
  • 20 percent prefer their coffee black
  • Four percent use alternative milks such as soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, oat milk etc.
  • Demand for espresso-based beverages including cappuccino, latte, frozen blended, espresso, mocha, macchiato, Americano, and flat white continues to grow

In addition to what Americans want to drink, it is also important to consider what types of beverages each generation prefers especially if your organization employs a variety of individuals. Espresso-based beverages are preferred by 27.5 percent of Americans under the age of 40, while those aged 60+ prefer traditional, non-gourmet coffee. Consumption of coffee was also found to increase as individuals aged. For example, consumption is up 40 percent since 2015 among drinkers age 18 – 24. Whether that is a change in lifestyle or just a desire for more, it’s something to be aware of.  

Now’s the time to reassess your OCS and other break room refreshment options. PB&J Vending can help by creating a customized menu and safely providing your Atlanta employees fresh food, snacks and beverages via a micro-market or vending machines. For more information about our refreshment services, please contact us at (877) 820.8363. We look forward to helping support your organization.

Food and COVID-19 in Atlanta

Food and COVID-19 in Atlanta

Food and COVID-19 in Atlanta

COVID-19 has had an impact on everything including Atlanta individuals’ relationship with food. While many of the changes can be seen anecdotally, a recent study by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) specifically identified how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Americans’ current perceptions about food as well as food-related trends from the past decade.

Three key statistics stand out.

  • “85% of Americans have made at least some change in the food they eat or how they prepare it because of the coronavirus pandemic.”
  • “32% of Americans reported in the survey that they are snacking more.”
  • “More than half (54%) of all consumers say the healthfulness of their food choices matters more now than it did in 2010 [the last time the survey was performed].”


Understanding these changes and adapting to them is especially important for Atlanta employers as non-essential employees head back to their workplaces. Employers have an opportunity to help their employees by providing safely prepared refreshment options on-site. This is important as 27 percent of the 85 percent who have already made changes are thinking about what they are going to eat more than usual. A well-rounded and comprehensive approach to break room and food safety should play an integral part in creating a safe workplace.

Food and COVID-19 in Atlanta

Employers can also emphasize the importance of risk-reduction practices (hand washing, minimizing contact with surfaces and using wipes and hand sanitizer) at work, especially when it comes to using the break room to purchase snacks, food, and beverages from vending machines or micro-markets. Break room providers can help by openly conveying their COVID-related policies and procedures. Combining education about risk-reduction practices and break room providers’ practices will help employees feel more comfortable purchasing break room items.


Since almost a third of participants were snacking more, employers should consider offering additional healthy options to help employees make healthier choices. Better-for-you products are even more important for those employees who have children as 33 percent of participants who are parents (compared to 16 percent without children) are more likely to “eat their feelings” and then feel less satisfied by eating.

But choosing healthier options isn’t just for those with children. With more than 50 percent of the 1,011 survey participants making dietary choices based on health-related goals, access to better-for-you products is important for all Atlanta employees. Of those 50+ percent of survey participants, 47 percent are following a specific diet to lose weight, 40 percent hope to have more energy, 39 percent are changing their physical appearance, 37 percent want to protect long-term health and prevent future health problems, and 36 percent want to prevent weight gain.

Atlanta Break Rooms

Whether it’s adding new items to your refreshment menu or updating your break room with new vending machines or a micro-market, PB&J Vending can help. We offer a wide variety of better-for-you and traditional snacks, fresh food, cold beverages, and office coffee service that can safely meet the refreshment needs of your employees. For more information, please contact us at (877) 820.8363. We look forward to hearing from you.  

Break Room Service in Atlanta

Break Room Service Providers Lead the Way in Atlanta

Break Room Service in Atlanta

Workstations, desks, and the break room are just a few of the physical spaces that businesses have to consider as they begin the process of reopening. In addition, Atlanta employers are developing new procedures and accommodations to ensure employee safety amidst ongoing concerns about COVID-19. Decisions made regarding the break room should be an important part of the plan.

Last week, members of the refreshment services industry gathered virtually to send a heartfelt and reassuring message to everyone. Shot in isolation from each individual’s home or business, the message is an inspiring 2-minute video. The takeaway is clear: break room service providers everywhere are here to support companies as they transition toward a new work environment.

PB&J Vending is responding appropriately and following the state’s COVID-19 re-opening schedules and guidelines as well as adopting stricter health and safety procedures for our employees.

In addition to maintaining social distancing practices, our route drivers are washing their hands or changing into a new pair of gloves before each visit. They are also sanitizing all contact surfaces and high touch areas at the end of every service call. Their goal is to leave Atlanta break rooms cleaner than when they arrived. Additionally, we have implemented social distancing policies in our offices and distribution centers and are closely monitoring our employees’ health.

Break Room Service in Atlanta

Before COVID-19, break rooms were an important resource, but today, they have become an even more valuable benefit for Atlanta employees. Micro-markets and vending machines provide a safer way for employees to access fresh foods, snacks, and beverages. Products available in micro-markets and vending machines are individually wrapped in secure packaging for a quick, grab-and-go experience. Vending machines and micro-markets also offer cashless payment options, limiting contact even further. 

Providing employees with plenty of fresh foods, snacks, and beverages in the break room not only encourages employees to stay on-site but also limits potential exposure to viruses that can occur during off-site trips. Let’s work together to keep everyone safe.

For more information about customizing a refreshment menu or our safety procedures, please contact us at (877) 820.8363.

Healthy Lunch Habits in Atlanta

Encourage Healthy Lunch Habits at Atlanta Businesses

Healthy Lunch Habits in Atlanta

How healthy is your heart? February may be best known for Valentine’s Day, but it is also American Heart Month, a time for Atlanta individuals to reconsider their diet and exercise habits and the impact those habits have on the health of their heart.

Making good food choices is an important component of developing a healthy lifestyle but expecting to make good food choices all the time is unrealistic. Atlanta individuals should instead be aware of the overall picture or pattern of their diet. 

What does that mean? It’s being aware of the different types of snacks, food and beverages that are consumed. Is an individual eating a variety of nutritious foods from the different food groups? Are the portion sizes appropriate? It’s also noticing which circumstances like stress, fatigue or eating with friends trigger different types of eating patterns including unhealthy ones. 

Lunch time is another event that can impact future food decisions that will be made throughout the rest of the day. A recent survey from the American Heart Association (AHA) and Aramark, a food service company, found that “more than three quarters of those surveyed say they’re more likely to make healthier decisions at other times of the day if they eat healthy at lunch.”

While those numbers are great news for the health of those surveyed, the likelihood that employees will actually eat a healthy lunch is much lower. The same survey also found that “56 percent of employed Americans who typically eat lunch during work struggle to make that meal healthy.” Atlanta employers have just been presented with an opportunity to step in and make a difference in the types of snacks, fresh food and beverages available in the break room

Healthy Lunch Habits in Atlanta

Two additional results from the AHA and Aramark study show that employees are looking for a bit of help; 82 percent of participants believe access to healthy options at work is important, and 68 percent appreciate their employer’s help in becoming healthier. Creating opportunities for regular exercise during the workday is another approach employers can take to help their Atlanta employees become healthier.

Regular exercise not only helps maintain or lose weight, it also improves cardiovascular or heart health. If offering a gym membership or an onsite gym isn’t a realistic employee benefit, there are other ways employees can increase their physical activity during the workday. Taking a walk at lunch, parking further away from the building, using the stairs instead of the elevator and holding walking meetings are just a few ways employees can add a bit more movement to their day.

Employees who choose a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds and lean proteins and increase physical activity often have less stress, more energy and improved confidence. Now that sounds like a benefit for everyone. 

For more information about updating or redesigning your micro-market, pantry service or vending machine refreshment menu to include healthier options, please call PB&J Vending at (877) 820.8363. We look forward to working with you.

Pantry Service in Atlanta

Pantry Service in Atlanta Offers Multiple Benefits

Pantry Service in Atlanta

Everyone needs to feel appreciated, including Atlanta employees. Providing pantry service in the workplace break room is just one way to express employee appreciation. While each organization in Atlanta has a different culture, there are several things that create a universal feeling of appreciation and are enjoyed by almost everyone.

How to Show Appreciation

The first one applies specifically to the break room. Ask for your employees’ opinions about which snacks, beverages and fresh food they would like to have available in the pantry service. 

Also connected to the break room, would be to survey everyone about the type of environment or vibe they want in their break room. The right combination of refreshments at no cost plus a welcoming environment is sure to encourage employees to stay on-site when they need to re-hydrate or grab a bite to eat. 

The next three ways to show appreciation don’t have to be connected to the break room, but they can be. Offer employees special treats or meals that aren’t usually available in the break room such as ‘Waffle Wednesday’ or ‘Freshly Baked Cookie Friday.’ Donuts from a favorite bakery or popular pizza are also great options.

In the non-food arena, giving employees who have gone above what was expected extra time off acknowledges their effort and time. Not acknowledging their time and effort can silently convey to everyone that they, the employees and their coworkers, receive no benefit for putting in the extra work.

Pantry Service in Atlanta

Another way to express appreciation is to perform random acts of kindness. Everyone has heard the story about one person in line purchasing a coffee for the person behind them. To the person who received the coffee, the experience was a random act of kindness. The same can be done for your Atlanta employees. A simple thank you note or someone’s favorite snack are acts of kindness that show appreciation.

Why Show Appreciation

At the surface, expressing appreciation for your Atlanta employees improves engagement, retention and motivation, especially during the holiday season. But dig a bit deeper and see a positive impact on employee work/life balance. 

In a recent article published by O.C. Tanner, “Showing gratitude can increase a person’s wellness, increase better sleep habits, increase metabolism and lessen stress. This directly impacts work results and employee interaction. With employee appreciation, you’re not only boosting performance and engagement, but the employee’s well-being and health.”

Drill down a bit further to the core and find that increased appreciation causes more positive interactions which then has even more positive ripple effects moving outward. That sounds like a good thing for everyone.

While PB&J Vending can’t perform random acts of kindness directly for your Atlanta employees, we can help you customize the perfect break room. Whether it’s pantry service, a micro-market or coffee service, your employees will know that you appreciate all that they do. For more information, please call PB&J Vending at (877) 820.8363.